Get a free freedom rider storage panel bag and free installation with the purchase of a Bestop Sunrider for Hardtop while you’re in Moab for Easter Jeep Safari

Show specials on all Bestop products will also be available!

1.Make a reservation for your Sunrider installation in advance by clicking here.


2.Go to the Shell Gas Station and purchase your Sunrider (at your reservation time).


3.Get your Sunrider installed for FREE at the Texas Truck Works Mobile Showroom at the Shell Gas station! (2420 Spanish Trail Rd, 84532)


Easter Jeep Safari is the favorite event of most of the Bestop team and we sponsor more trail rides than any other brand! We sponsor five days of trail rides where we get to come out and meet enthusiasts like you before we display at the EJS vendor show. Easter Jeep Safari, or EJS as most call it, takes place every year on the week leading up to Easter. The Red Rock 4 Wheelers organize nine days of trail rides showing attendees all around the mecca of off-roading, Moab, Utah.

Click here for more information