
SKU: 5240711

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Bestop,Bikini Tops & Fabric Accessories,Bikini Tops & Sunshades,Klaviyo-JK,Klaviyo-JL,Retractable Sunshades


As Jeep owners, we love being out in the sun, but the heat and harmful UV rays can quickly become a problem. That's where our Sunscreen comes in. Perfect for those days when you want to enjoy the open air without the harsh effects of the sun, this innovative solution allows you to roll it out when you need it, and easily roll it back when you don’t.

Designed for Sunrider for Hardtop, this sunscreen can be used without needing to remove your top, so you can switch between an open, screened, or closed top in no time. Enjoy the best of both worlds—open-air freedom with protection from the sun’s rays, all without the hassle of changing your tops.

Whether you're hitting the trails or cruising through town, our Sunscreen gives you the freedom to stay protected and comfortable, all while keeping your Jeep top exactly how you want it.

Quick installation - no drilling required

UV-resistant fabric that stands up to the elements and will not fade

Durable edging designed to resist fraying

Also available for full soft tops on the JK Wrangler


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Bestop,Bikini Tops & Fabric Accessories,Bikini Tops & Sunshades,Klaviyo-JK,Klaviyo-JL,Retractable Sunshades